Global Outlook

Melbourne Law school prides itself on its international focus and global awareness. The School has a long tradition of international and comparative legal research. It also has exceptional legal and professional links around the globe.

MLS Global Connections
MLS Global Connections

JD Exchange Programs


1. University of Texas
2. University of Virginia
3. Georgetown University
4. University of California, LA


5. University of British Columbia
6. McGill University
7. University of Toronto


8. Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
9. Humboldt University, Germany
10. Lund University, Sweden
11. Uppsala University, Sweden
12. Pantheon-Assas University, France
13. Institution of Political Sciences (Science Po), France
14. University College Dublin, Ireland
15. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
16. University of Copenhagen, Denmark
17. University of Geneva, Switzerland
18. University of Helsinki, Finland
19. University of Oslo, Norway

South America

20. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile

Africa/ Asia/ Middle East

21. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
22. National University of Singapore, Singapore
23. Seoul National University, South Korea
24. University of Cape Town, South Africa

Degree Partnerships

1. Cambridge University, UK
2. Oxford University, UK
3. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
4. New York University, USA
5. University of British Columbia, Canada

International Subjects

1. Global Lawyers, USA
2. Institutions in International Law, Switzerland
3. Law and Legal Practice in Asia, India
4. Centre for Transnational Legal Studies, UK
5. Economic & Business Law in Asia, China and Hong Kong

Recent International Internships

1. HAPRO, Hong Kong
2. Judicial System Monitoring Programme, Timor Leste
3. United States Congress (Uni-Capitol Hill), USA
4. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), Cambodia
5. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Switzerland
6. Louisiana Capital Assistance Centre (LCAC), USA
7. Reprieve - Gulf Region Advocacy Centre (GRACE), USA
8. United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), Jordan
9. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, UK
10. UN Economic Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific, Thailand
11. The European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights, Germany
12. International Bar Association, Netherlands
13. United Nations, Office of Legal Affairs, USA
14. United Nations Development Programme, Thailand
15. Civil Aviation Authority, UK
16. Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, Hong Kong
17. Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, South Korea

Top 10 International Alumni Destinations

1. Malaysia
2. UK
3. Indonesia
4. Hong Kong
5. Singapore
6. China
7. USA
8. Canada
9. Thailand
10. Vietnam