Rivers as persons: What it means to give legal rights to nature

The legal rights of rivers and natural objects are discussed in this podcast, with researchers Erin O'Donnell from Melbourne Law School, and Julia Talbot-Jones from ANU speaking to Lynne Haultain.

Listen to the Podcast here.


"Environmental law researcher Erin O'Donnell and economist Julia Talbot-Jones explain what's behind recent moves to give legal personhood to rivers in India, New Zealand and elsewhere. With philosophical roots going back decades, new legal and legislative developments granting personhood to nature seek both to recognise indigenous or religious claims as well as provide new avenues for environmental protection. But what does this mean, and how will giving rights to nature be enforced? Can rivers now bring lawsuits, and can we, in turn, sue them? Presented by Lynne Haultain." University of Melbourne, Up Close.