Associate Professor Jonathan Liberman

Mr Jonathan Liberman

Associate Professor in Law and Global Health, University of Melbourne

Jonathan Liberman is an Associate Professor in Law and Global Health with a joint appointment in the Melbourne Law School and the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. Jonathan has over twenty years' experience in legal and policy research, teaching, advice, training and technical support relating to health at both domestic and global levels.

Jonathan is currently leading a collaboration between the University of Melbourne and the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific supporting countries in the Western Pacific Region in their use of law in responding to COVID-19.

Jonathan was the Founding Director of the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer, serving as Director from February 2012 to March 2020. Under Jonathan’s leadership, the McCabe Centre became a WHO Collaborating Centre for Law and Non-Communicable Diseases; a WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Knowledge Hub; and established an international legal training program that builds capacity and expertise in the use of law for the prevention and control of cancer and other NCDs, particularly in the context of developing policy coherence between health, trade, investment, human rights and sustainable development.