Beth Gaze Publications

Beth Gaze


  • B. Gaze, and B. Smith, Equality and Discrimination Law in Australia: An Introduction (2017), Cambridge University Press, Australia, 355 pages.

Book Chapters

  • B. Gaze and D. Allen, ‘Australia’ in M. Mercat-Bruns, D. Oppenheimer and C. Sartorius (eds), Comparative Perspectives on the Enforcement and Effectiveness of Antidiscrimination Law: Challenges and Innovative Tools (Springer, 2018) 31-41
  • B. Gaze, A. Chapman and A. Orifici, ‘Evaluating the Adverse Action Provisions in the Fair Work Act: Equality Thwarted?’, in J. Howe, A. Chapman and I. Landau (eds), The Evolving Project of Labour Law: Foundations, Development and Future Research Directions (2017), Federation Press, Australia, 88 - 101.
  • B. Gaze, ‘Anti-Subordination Feminism’ in G. Appleby and R. Dixon (eds.), The Critical Judgments Project: Re-reading Monis v The Queen, Federation Press, Australia (2016), 56–72.
  • B. Gaze, ‘The Racial Discrimination Act after 40 Years: Advancing Equality, or Sliding into Obsolescence?’ in Perspectives on the Racial Discrimination Act: Papers from the 40 Years of the Racial Discrimination Act (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015) 66–80.
  • B. Gaze, 'Feminist Judgment in State of NSW v Amery,’ in H. Douglas, T. Luker and F. Bartlett (eds), The Australian Feminist Judgments Project: Righting and Re-writing Law (Hart Publishing) (2014) 424–433.
  • B. Gaze, 'Anti-discrimination laws in Australia' in P. Gerber, M. Castan (ed), Contemporary Perspectives on Human Rights Law in Australia (2013) 155-180.

Journal Articles - Refereed

  • A. Chapman, B. Gaze and A. Orifici, ‘Substantive Equality at Work: Still Elusive under Australia’s Fair Work Act’ (2017) 30(3) Australian Journal of Labour Law 214 - 235.
  • A. Chapman, K. Love and E. Gaze, 'The reverse onus of proof then and now: The Barclay case and the history of the Fair Work Act's union victimisation and freedom of association provisions' (2014) 37 University of New South Wales Law Journal 471-506.
  • B. Gaze, R. Quibell and B. Fehlberg, 'The Experiences of Users of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal: Diverse Individuals, Issues and Experiences’ (2014) 42 Federal Law Review 27–65.
  • B. Gaze and A. Chapman, 'The human right to non-discrimination as a legitimate part of workplace law: Towards substantive equality at work in Australia?' (2013) 29 International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 355-373.
  • B. Gaze, ‘Fair Work Ombudsman’s regulatory powers: the use of enforceable undertakings’ (2013) 20 Australian Journal of Administrative Law 180–183.
  • B. Gaze, ‘The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012: setting standards through delegated legislation’ (2013) 20 Australian Journal of Administrative Law 113–116.