Mr Lutfi Lutfi

Lutfi Lutfi

Tafsir and Socio-political Context in Indonesia: a Case Study of Ahmad Sanusi’s Quranic Exegesis as a Medium of Struggle in the Colonial Era

Lutfi Lutfi is a PhD candidate in Humanities at the University of Canberra Australia. He conducts research on Islam and nationalism in colonial Indonesian history with a particular focus on the struggle of ulama, tafsir and Islamic thought.

Tafsir and Socio-political Context in Indonesia: a Case Study of Ahmad Sanusi’s Quranic Exegesis as a Medium of Struggle in the Colonial Era

This research examines two seminal works of Ahmad Sanusi, an Indonesian alim: Malja’ al T{a>libin fi>tafsi>rikala>mirobb al ‘a>lamin(in Sundanese) and Tamsiyat al muslimi>nfi>tafsi>rikala>mirobb al ‘a>lami>n(in Bahasa Indonesia). It explores how Sanusi interpreted Qur’anic teachings and employed his books of his tafsir as a medium in the struggle against colonialism. I argue that Ahmad Sanusi contributed to Indonesian independence through tafsir that served as an inspiration, a medium to awaken the spirit of resistance against the colonizers and shape anti colonial awareness in Indonesia, particularly among Sundanese people.