Where are the Authorised Law Reports?

lead text - Generally used on the first paragraph at the top of main landing pages uses the lead. This text helps give context after the heading for the reader to at a glance know your page's subject matter.

Accessing the authorised version of a case

  1. After locating your case, you'll see a link to 'Original Judgment' (Unauthorised version), followed by a link
  2. Click on the drop down arrow to access the Authorised Reports available for download in the required court format

Jane Reading
Figure 1: follow link to 'Original Judgment' (Unauthorised version)

Jane Reading

Test heading 2

  1. After locating your case, you'll see a link to 'Original Judgment' (Unauthorised version), followed by a link
  2. Click on the drop down arrow to access the Authorised Reports available for download in the required court format
Jane Reading
Figure 1: ...

Locating a specific series; CLR, VR, NSWLR, etc

  1. After locating your case, you'll see a link to 'Original Judgment' (Unauthorised version), followed by a link
    <insert image>
  2. Click on the drop down arrow to access the Authorised Reports available for download in the required court format
    <insert image>