
Any student enrolled in a subject or course in the MLM program is considered to be eligible to be a member of the MLMSA. The MLMSA also organises regular social and professional networking events in order to enhance the individual experience of the MLM program.

In accordance with the MLMSA Constitution the aims of the MLMSA are to:

  1. Create a student community to promote social and professional networks between MLM students;
  2. Facilitate interaction between MLM students and MLM academics and the wider legal community;
  3. Represent the collective interests of Members within Melbourne Law School;
  4. Advocate on behalf of individual Members within Melbourne Law School;
  5. Facilitate knowledge of developments in law and legal thinking;
  6. Organise and promote MLMSA functions, events and services.

The MLMSA Committee is made up of elected and appointed MLM students. The Committee is governed by three elected executives: President, Vice-President and Treasurer. All other committee members and state representatives are appointed by the elected Executives.