Andrew Robertson is Professor of Law and Director of Studies in Private Law at Melbourne Law School. He joined the law school in 1999 after several years in commercial legal practice in Australia and England. He was appointed to a chair in law in 2006.
Professor Robertson’s research and teaching interests lie in the law and theory of obligations, particularly the law of contract, negligence and equitable estoppel. He has written numerous articles and book chapters on those topics and is co-author of Principles of Contract Law (6th ed, 2020) and Contract: Cases and Materials (14th ed, 2020). He has edited several collections of essays on the law of obligations and private law theory, the most recent of which is Form and Substance in the Law of Obligations (Hart Publishing, 2019). He convenes the biennial Obligations Conference series.
Professor Robertson’s research has been cited and discussed by numerous courts, including the House of Lords, the UK Supreme Court, the English Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court of Canada, the Supreme Court of New Zealand, the Singapore Court of Appeal, the High Court of Australia, and the Courts of Appeal of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia. He has been Walter S Owen Visiting Professor of Law at the University of British Columbia (2014), Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore (2016), Conjoint Professor at Lund University in Sweden (2016–2019), and Visiting Fellow at Harvard Law School’s Project on the Foundations of Private Law (2019, 2022 and 2023).
Other School and University Responsibilities
Director of Studies in Private Law, Melbourne Law Masters
Teaching (2025)
Melbourne Law Masters