Professor Ben McFarlane
Senior Fellow (Melbourne Law Masters)
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Ben McFarlane is Professor of English Law at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of St John's College, Oxford. His research focusses on the interaction of the law of property and the law of obligations, particularly in the context of commercial law. He has explored this theme in books such as The Law of Proprietary Estoppel (2nd edn, 2020) and The Structure of Property Law (2009). He has also written widely on the role of equity, a topic explored in his Oxford inaugural lecture of 2022, which is available on the Oxford Law Faculty's YouTube site. He is a co-author of Hayton, McFarlane and Mitchell on Equity and Trusts (15th edn, forthcoming 2022) and of Land Law: Text, Cases, and Materials (5th edn, 2021) and is a contributor to Snell's Equity.
Teaching (2024)
Melbourne Law Masters