Professor Tim Lindsey
Malcolm Smith Chair of Asian Law
Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor
+61 3 83448134 Find an Expert
Room 0729
Languages spoken: English, Bahasa Indonesia
Tim Lindsey is one of Australia’s leading experts on Indonesian law, and has advised governments, business, international organisations, courts and legal practitioners in Indonesia and Australia. He is Malcolm Smith Professor of Asian Law, Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and Director of the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society at the Melbourne Law School. He holds a Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Letters from the University of Melbourne and completed his PhD thesis in Indonesian studies. A specialist in a wide range of aspects of Indonesian law, including public law, criminal law, commercial law, and family law, he also teaches and researches shari'a (Islamic law) in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. He has won national and university teaching awards, and was an ARC Federation Fellow from 2006 to 2011. Tim is a member of the Victorian Bar and was the long-serving Chair of the Australia Indonesia Institute until 2016. His more than 100 publications include Indonesia: Law and Society; Islam, Law and the State in Southeast Asia (three volumes); The Indonesian Constitution; Drugs Law and Practice in Southeast Asia; Religion, Law and Intolerance in Indonesia; and Strangers Next Door: Indonesia and Australia in the Asian Century. He is a founder and an executive editor of The Australian Journal of Asian Law.