Associate Professor Wendy Ng

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Dr Wendy Ng is an Associate Professor at Melbourne Law School, where she is the Director of the Competition Law and Economics Network and an Associate Director (China) of the Asian Law Centre. She completed her undergraduate studies (LLB (hons)/BCom) and PhD at the University of Melbourne. Her PhD was awarded the University of Melbourne’s Chancellor’s Prize for Excellence in the PhD thesis and the Melbourne Law School Harold Luntz Graduate Research Prize for Best PhD Thesis. Wendy also has an LLM from Columbia University.

Wendy researches on competition law, focusing on China, international and comparative, and political economy issues. Her book, The Political Economy of Competition Law in China, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2018. She was awarded the 2015 Gaire Blunt Scholarship from the Business Law Section of the Law Council of Australia and the 2018-2019 ABA Section of Antitrust Law International Scholar-in-Residence Award. She also won Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards for best academic article on Asian antitrust (2021) and cross-border issues (2022). In 2022, Wendy was named by Global Competition Review as one of the 25 most influential antitrust academics in the world.

Prior to joining Melbourne Law School, Wendy worked as a lawyer at top international commercial law firms in Melbourne and New York and as a lecturer at the University of Adelaide. She is a Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network, having been appointed to that position by the Hong Kong Competition Commission. Wendy has also worked with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and other development partners to support the introduction and development of competition law and policy in South East Asia.

Teaching (2025)

The Melbourne JD

Research Centres