Associate Professor William Partlett

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William Partlett is an Associate Professor at Melbourne Law School. He writes and teaches in the field of public law. Before coming to Melbourne, Professor Partlett was an Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Columbia University Law School, and a Fellow at The Brookings Institution. Professor Partlett holds a JD from Stanford Law School as well as a DPhil in Soviet History and MPhil in Russian and East European Studies from the University of Oxford (where he was a Clarendon Scholar). He also holds a bachelors degree in International Affairs and Public Policy from Princeton University and speaks Russian.

Professor Partlett’s research takes a historical and comparative approach to questions of public law. He encourages graduate students interested in the relationship between history and constitutional law to contact him about supervision in Melbourne's masters or doctorate program. A fuller description of his research interests, methodology, and publications can be found at

Teaching (2025)

Research Centres