Public Health and Global Governance of Alcohol

Thematic Meeting of the Kettil Bruun Society
30 September 2019 - 3 October 2019
Level 2, La Trobe University City Campus
360 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia


This meeting sought to examine how global and regional governance currently contributes -- and could contribute more in the future -- to the control of alcohol for public health purposes. The meeting also investigated how global and regional governance arrangements, especially through trade and investment law, limit the domestic regulation of alcohol, and options for remedying this situation. Contributions relevant to these topics were sought from those involved in social, political science and policy research and in public health legal research.

Background to the Meeting

Invited speakers

  • Douglas Bettcher, until recently the Director of Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases at the World Health Organization
  • Sally Casswell, Director of SHORE, Massey University, New Zealand, and President of the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance, as well as of the Kettil Bruun Society
  • David Jernigan, Department of Health Law, Policy & Management, Boston University, a leading researcher on advertising regulations and on the structure of the alcohol industry
  • Paula O’Brien, Melbourne School of Law, who has analysed industry-backed complaints concerning alcohol labelling requirements and their resolution in the Technical Barriers to Trade Committee of the World Trade Organization
  • Jane Kelsey, Faculty of Law, University of Auckland, an expert on provisions concerning the handling of public health issues in trade agreements
  • Jonathan Liberman, Director of the McCabe Centre on Law and Cancer, with expertise in the history of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
  • Gian Luca Burci, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva, and former legal counsel of the World Health Organization

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