Azzaya Enkhjargal | Master of Laws (LLM)

When Azzaya Enkhjargal was choosing where to study her Master of Laws (LLM), Melbourne Law School (MLS) stood out to her because of its “diverse and comprehensive range of law subjects” and the freedom of choice they afforded her.

“The Melbourne Law Masters allowed me to create a personalised study plan, which let me explore various areas of law and discover where my true passions lie,” said Azzaya. “I discovered a deep passion for international sustainable finance law, combining my interest in international law with my commitment to sustainable finance practices."

Having completed her undergraduate law degree in Moscow before returning to her home country of Mongolia, Azzaya was no stranger to studying abroad. Still, moving halfway across the world is a challenging experience for anyone, so when Azzaya received a prestigious Australia Awards Scholarship to support her endeavour, it felt like a huge privilege and support. But Azzaya doesn’t see that assistance as a one-way street. Her attraction to international law and sustainable finance is inextricably tied to her aspirations for Mongolia’s further development.

“I believe that by applying the lessons and best practices I acquire through my research and studies, I can actively participate in shaping policies and regulations that will promote sustainability, climate resilience and economic development in my home country,” explained Azzaya. “Ultimately, my aspiration is to play a role in building a more sustainable and resilient future, both nationally and internationally. This commitment to positive change is what drives my passion for my chosen field and fuels my determination to make a meaningful impact in the legal arena.”

A young woman in business attire
Azzaya Enkhjargal, Master of Laws (LLM)

As someone from a country with a civil law system, Azzaya was keen to gain both academic knowledge and practical experience of the common law system in Australia – and the flexibility of the Melbourne Law Masters program allowed her to do just that. “Having the option to work part-time at a local law firm while pursuing my studies provided me with valuable opportunities to apply what I was learning to real situations,” Azzaya explained, adding that she was also excited to have been selected for a summer legal internship at KPMG Australia, further enhancing her on-the-job experience.

Other highlights for Azzaya included being elected as a Law Faculty Council Member of the Graduate Student Association and taking part in the mentorship and Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs offered by MLS. These experiences had a profound impact on her academic and career journey. “The Ellis program, in particular, not only enhanced my understanding of legal practice but also exposed me to the complexities of real-world legal issues,” said Azzaya. “Throughout these programs and events, I had the pleasure of meeting and collaborating with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds and countries. This cultural exchange and interaction greatly enriched my perspective and reinforced my passion for law and international legal matters.”

“My advice to anyone considering applying for Melbourne Law School is to make the most of this relatively short but incredibly enriching journey,” Azzaya continued. “Seize every opportunity available to you, whether it's through academic activities, internships, networking, or extracurricular involvement. Take full advantage, challenge yourself and push your boundaries. The experiences and skills you gain here will undoubtedly set the foundation for a successful and fulfilling legal career.”

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