Legal Citation Style Guides



The main citation style used in Australia for legal materials is the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. The latest edition is the 4th edition (AGLC4). It is published by the student staff of the Melbourne University Law Review (MULR).

You can download a non-printable PDF version, and order a print copy from the AGLC webpage.

For general style notes and common rules to help you cite different resources in your work, refer to the AGLC page of Re:cite.

New Zealand

New Zealand Law Style Guide

Alice Coppard et al, New Zealand Law Style Guide (New Zealand Law Foundation, 3rd ed, 2018) available open access online.



Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation - created by the editors of the McGill Law Journal (commonly known as the 'McGill Guide').

The Law Library holds the 9th edition (Carswell, 2018) in print only at K 114 CANA. It is available for two-hour loan. Ask the Law Library staff for access.

McGill is not available online on open access, however there are some good open access online guides to using McGill. For example:

Canadian Guide to Legal Style

Created by the editors of the Queen's Law Journal (Carswell, 2014).

  • The Law Library holds this in print at K 114 CANA.

United Kingdom


The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) (Hart, 4th ed, 2012) is available freely online (PDF, 440KB).

A separate OSCOLA publication deals with citing international sources and is also available freely online (PDF, 270KB).

OSCOLA has a version specifically for Ireland (OSCOLA Ireland) available freely online (PDF, 440KB).

OSCOLA Guides & Tutorials

Find links to OSCOLA quick guides, tutorials, FAQs; and OSCOLA styles for Zotero and EndNote on the Oxford University OSCOLA webpage.


Hart Publishing, Style Guidelines 2010 -  available open access online.

How to Cite Legal Authorities (Blackstone, 1996)

French, Derek, How to Cite Legal Authorities (Blackstone, 1996) is available in print in the Law Library at K 112 FREN – two hour loan.

United States

Association of Legal Writing Directors (ALWD)

Association of Legal Writing Directors and Darby Dickerson (eds), ALWD Guide to Legal Citation (Wolters Kluwer, 7th ed, 2021)

  • available in print in the Law Library's High Use collection at K 114 ALWD
  • available as an eBook
  • Legal Citation in a Nutshell (West, 2nd ed, 2016) illustrates the rules of The Bluebook and the ALWD Citation Manual for cases, statutes, and all other major legal sources. Appendices provide useful comparative information for these two systems of citation - see in the Library Catalogue.


The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Harvard Law Review Association, 21st ed, 2015)

  • The Library does not subscribe to the Bluebook online. It is available in print in the Law Library's High Use Collection at K 114 BLUE.
  • Georgetown Law Library has a comprehensive Bluebook Guide.
  • Two simplified adaptations of the Bluebook, containing clear explanations, guidance and examples, are available online on open access. These are not affiliated with the Bluebook, but comply with Bluebook rules:
  • Legal Citation in a Nutshell (West, 2nd ed, 2016) illustrates the rules of The Bluebook and the ALWD Citation Manual for cases, statutes, and all other major legal sources. Appendices provide useful comparative information for these two systems of citation - see in the Library Catalogue.


The University of Chicago Manual of Legal Citation (also known as 'The Maroonbook')


Bouchoux, Deborah E, Aspen Handbook for Legal Writersa Practical Reference (Wolters Kluwer, 4th ed, 2017).

  • The Law Library holds this edition in print only, in the High Use Collection at K 101 BOUC.

International Law

The Guide to Foreign and International Legal Citations (Wolters Kluwer, 2nd ed, 2009), by the New York University School of Law, Journal of International Law and Politics. This publication complements the ALWD Citation Manual and the Aspen Handbook for Legal Writers.