Ethics and Integrity

All human research carried out by staff and students at the University of Melbourne requires ethics approval. In law this includes, but is not restricted to, gathering information about human beings (and organisations) through interviewing, surveying, questionnaires, observation of human behaviour and audio/video taping.

Infonectica Ethics Research Manager (ERM)

The innovative new Infonetica Ethics Review Manager (ERM) system is now live for researchers (staff and students) to use to create and submit new human research ethics applications. Researchers no longer have access to Themis Human Ethics Workbench.

Infonetica Ethics Review Manager (ERM) is a specialist ethics management system configured by the University of Melbourne to create and submit human research ethics applications.

Infonetica ERM will provide an enhanced user experience and improved transparency to the research community while enabling the University to continue to meet its regulatory obligations.

What do I need to do?

Researchers and graduate researchers who submit human ethics applications are encouraged to watch the training videos to learn how to use Infonetica ERM.

Here is a link to the Human Ethics Application training video.

For more information

To find out more about Infonetica ERM, watch the training video or refer to the learning support resources on the Research Gateway.

General enquiries may be sent to the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity by submitting a Service Now webform.

Infonetica ERM training queries can be sent via email to

Research Ethics Advisor: pre-review

All new applications will undergo a pre-submission review by an academic Research Ethics Advisor (REA) from the relevant field of research. The REA is assigned to an application by the Human Ethics Coordinator; they will pre-review the application for completeness and appropriate disciplinary considerations, and to ensure that the values and principles of the National Statement are addressed. The REA will provide feedback for the applicant within the online form, which must be addressed before the application is submitted for ethics review by a committee (either LNR or GTLR).

MLS REA: Associate Professor Amanda Whiting

For technical system support

Academics: please submit a Service Now webform or call the Service Centre on (03) 8344 0888.
Graduate Researchers: please call the Research Helpline on (03) 8344 0999.

Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy (MF1318)

The objective of this policy is to prescribe the standards of responsible and ethical research conduct required by the University of Melbourne and to facilitate compliance with The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018) (‘the Code’) and the supporting ‘Guides’, including The Guide to Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018).

MLS Research Integrity Advisor: Associate Professor Lisa Sarmas

A full list of University RIAs can be found on the Research Gateway.

You can meet with any of the RIAs. You are not restricted to those that are from your Faculty. In some cases, meeting with someone outside your Faculty is probably a good idea.