
The degree of Doctor of Laws (LLD) is the highest qualification available by examination within Melbourne Law School.

The work submitted for examination must be of such a standard that it makes "...a substantial and original contribution to legal scholarship and is of such standard as to give the candidate authoritative standing in the field of the candidate's study".

Entry Requirements

Applicants must be a graduate in law of the University of Melbourne of at least four years' standing; or a graduate of another university who has held a recognised degree for at least four years and received adequate training for legal scholarship. Applications to enrol in the degree normally follow an invitation from Melbourne Law School to individuals of considerable seniority and with a connection to Melbourne Law School. Applicants must also meet the University's English language requirements.

Degree Requirements

A successful request for admission to candidature must first be made before a body of work is submitted for examination.


Not applicable – a body of work is submitted for examination.