Profile picture of Valeria Vázquez Guevara

Valeria Vázquez Guevara

Thesis: Truth Commissions: The Authority of International Law and the State after Conflict
Profile picture of Nina Araneta-Alana

Nina Araneta-Alana

Thesis: ‘Climate Finance’ and the Philippines: Law, Practice, and Meaning
Profile picture of André Dao

André Dao

Thesis: Human rights for the data society
Profile picture of Danish Sheikh

Danish Sheikh

Thesis: A Theatrical Jurisprudence of Repair
Profile picture of Philippa Duell-Piening

Philippa Duell-Piening

Thesis: Knowledge, data, visibility, and power: the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities article 31 in refugee contexts
Profile picture of Bernie Carrick

Bernie Carrick

Thesis: Residing Permanently in the Midst of the Border: Why Discrimination Law Fails Indefinitely Temporary Migrants and How the Disaggregation of Citizenship can Come to Their Aid