25 May: Global Project on Artificial Photosynthesis and the Transition from Corporatocene to Sustainocene, Professor Tom Faunce


"Global Project on Artificial Photosynthesis and the Transition from Corporatocene to Sustainocene", Professor Tom Faunce, ANU.

Thursday 25th May 2017, 1pm-2pm, Melbourne Law School

This seminar explored characteristic governance features of the contemporary Corporatocene and how some of their more deleterious impacts may be ameliorated by globalisation of the technology of global artificial photosynthesis- the science of converting roads and buildings on the earth's surface so they make clean fuel, food and fertiliser from water, sun and air. Some of the likely regulatory and governance changes associated with this shift to the Sustainocene epoch will be analysed.The talk  also explored innovative ways of communicating this positive vision of humanity's future including music.

Tom Faunce is a professor jointly in the ANU College of Law and ANU Medical School. He has been awarded an ARC Future Fellowship and five Discovery grants in the area of health technology regulation including impacts of trade agreements and nanomedicines on Australia's PBS. He served as a consultant with UNESCO on its Global Health Law database and has been a Brocher Foundation fellow at Geneva. Tom edits the Medical Law Reporter for the Journal of Law and Medicine. He has published over 200 refereed articles and over 50 book chapters. His published books include Who Owns Our Health? (UNSW Press) and the edited volume Nanotechnology Toward the Sustainocene (Pan Stanford). His most recent field of research is governance of global artificial photosynthesis  and he has edited special editions on this theme for the Australian Journal of Chemistry and the Royal Society's Interface Focus as well as co-written a music album. He serves on the A.C.T Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal for health professional matters and on the central Human Research Ethics Committee at the ANU.