Melbourne Forum 2021: Session 1

Webinar 1: "International approval of new constitutions"

The sixth Melbourne Forum on Constitution Building in Asia and the Pacific was comprised of four sessions, held as two connected online webinars. The first session was held on 2 November 2021 from 1-3pm (AEST).

Video of Roundtable 1 - Melbourne Forum 2021

This session explored the ways in which international approval is relevant for new constitutions, its effects and significance, and its implications (if any) over time. Questions considered in relation to each case (with appropriate contextual adaptations) included:

  • To what extent was a positive international reaction a factor in making the designated constitution? Why? How was sensitivity to international opinion manifested? How was international reaction conveyed?
  • Did this have an effect on the process by which a Constitution was made or on the substance of the constitution? If so, in what ways? Was the result positive, negative, or neutral, in your view?
  • What was the international reaction?
  • Did the felt need to attract international approval/acceptance/recognition affect the workability of the constitution in the local context and/or its implementation?
  • Did the felt need to attract international approval/acceptance/recognition affect the attitudes of state institutions or the people of the state to the concept of a constitution, immediately and/or over time
  • Are there any other aspects of the experience with constitution making and change in your country that might have a bearing on these issues?

Papers will produced to frame the discussions, drawing on experiences from three countries: