Legal History Links


A Brief Historical Account of the Supreme Court of Victoria

The Coming Commonwealth
The work by Sir Robert Garran in which he aims to provide 'a short summary of what every Australian citizen ought to know in order to understand the question of Australian Federation'.

Commentaries on the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia
Sir Robert Garran's classic text.

Decisions of the Superior Courts of New South Wales, 1788-1899
Published by the Division of Law, Macquarie University, this site concentrates on the Supreme Court's decisions between 1824 and 1841.

Documenting a Democracy: Australia's Story

Finemore Collection (Australian Constitutional Convention Archives)


Bracton Online
Bracton: De Legibus Et Consuetudinibus AngliƦ (Bracton on the Laws and Customs of England)

Anglo American Legal Tradition
Documents from Medieval and Early Modern England from the National Archives in London

Proceedings of the Old Bailey
This site contains over 100 000 trials from the Old Bailey, covering the period from April 1674 to October 1834.


The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
This site provides documents relevant to law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy and government dating from the eighteenth century.

Famous Trials
This site includes the Salem Witchcraft trials, the Scopes 'Monkey' trial, the Clinton Impeachment trial and many others.