University Services

The University of Melbourne provides a comprehensive range of services designed to support student wellbeing.

Counselling and Psychological Services

Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provide counselling, training and personal development opportunities for students, to assist them to find their full academic and/or working potential. CAPS actively promote the overall mental and physical health and wellbeing of all members of the University community. CAPS seek to help students get the most out of their time here, participate fully in campus life, and intelligently prepare for life outside of university.

Mindfulness Online

Mindfulness training seeks to train a person to think objectively about situations that stress them, while maintaining awareness of their body and physical responses to these stresses. Mindfulness is about becoming more aware of your thought patterns and behaviours so that negative thoughts can be identified and worked on, while positive thoughts can be amplified. The online resources available through the CAPS website are designed to help you start to become aware of both physical and mental reactions to stress, so that you can understand and control them.

University Health Service

The University Health Service is a general practitioner service. Some of the services provided include management of illness, advice about general health and wellbeing, mental health issues including anxiety and depression, contraception, sexual health, wound care, skin cancer checks, travel health and immunisations for both adults and children. The University Health Service also refers to outside specialists when necessary. There are male and female doctors available and you are usually able to see the doctor of your choice.

Consultations are strictly confidential. With your permission, medical staff can write certificates for students who are patients of this clinic provided that they have seen the person during the illness or are aware of the circumstances of the problem.

Student Equity and Disability Support

Student Equity and Disability Support (SEDS) works with students, academic and professional staff and relevant members of the broader community to recommend and implement reasonable adjustments in accordance with the University's policies and relevant state and federal legislation.

SEDS provides advice and support to students enrolled in eligible programs to facilitate equitable participation in both academic programs and extracurricular activities allied to the academic program. Visit General Student Services for information on services.

The Law School also provides advice and support.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid provides advice and information on the cost of living in Melbourne, student loans and grants, government student assistance, budgeting, tax, and on a range of other matters related to student finances. All consultations are confidential, and designed to help you control your finances and any stress they may be causing you.

Housing Service

The Housing Service offers advice on any matters relating to accommodation – finding somewhere to live, finding room-mates, your rights as a tenant and what to do when things go awry. The Housing Service also provides crisis accommodation for students who are experiencing homelessness, and can provide short-term accommodation for those students who are struggling to find accommodation under the Student Housing Access Program (SHAP).

International Student Services

International Student Services (ISS) provides a range of services and is an important point of contact for international students with the University. ISS can provide information and case-management for any issues relating to your visa status, Overseas Student Health Cover requirements and immigration policy. ISS regularly liaises with the Department of Immigration and can provide up-to-date information on various aspects of immigration policy and procedure. Advisors are available to meet with students or discuss issues over the phone.

Faith and spiritual care

Chaplains are representatives of different faith groups in the wider community, who are placed in the University by their respective faith group with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor. Chaplaincy is one way that religious groups connect with and serve the University community.

Each Chaplain is financially supported by their own religious tradition, and the University provides the offices and structural support. Each of the Chaplains, appointed with the approval of the Vice Chancellor, is required to work within a context of respect for all religions and expressions of faith.

Chaplains are not employed by the University, but by the faith group to whom they are accountable.

Safer Community Services

The Safer Community Program (SCP) aims to promote an environment that fosters safe learning, working and living at the University of Melbourne, and provides the opportunity to pass on behaviour of concern before it develops into something serious. The University has security officers to staff the Security Control Room and patrol the campus 24 hours a day. Campus security officers are available to escort University staff and students who may hold concerns about their safety to their car, closest public transport/taxi pickup point, college or other locations on or in the near vicinity of the central campus.

Early Childhood Education Services

If you are juggling kids with study, the University of Melbourne offers a wide range of early childhood education services services to help you manage your competing demands:

  • High-quality care and education for children from three months to six years
  • Children's services specifically tailored to meet the needs of the University community
  • Long-day child care places on two sites for the University community adjacent to the main campus
  • Full-time, full-day and half-day sessions to meet the needs of student families
  • A fee-free holding period for students from November to February of the following year
  • A rebate system to assist low-income student families and international student families
  • Evening care, a babysitting subsidy for students attending evening lectures
  • Observation, research and teaching facilities for use by students, faculties, departments and the early childhood profession
  • State-funded kindergarten programs for children in the year before they start school.

Independent/Student Society Support