Definition of a pass in a subject
Final results for JD subjects are generally made available to students via my.unimelb by the published date for results return for the relevant semester.
In order to pass a subject, a student must:
- Complete all assessment components
- Obtain at least 50% of the available marks for each piece of assessment that is established as a hurdle requirement
- Obtain a combined average mark of at least 50% for all assessment components (weighted in the proportions shown in the subject outline).
For subjects where a hurdle applies to a particular piece of assessment, if (2) is not met, a candidate is deemed to fail in the subject and the mark for the assessment to which the hurdle applied, excluding all other assessment components, is returned for the subject.
Mid-semester assessment is only a hurdle requirement where it is specifically stated that the mid-term assessment is also a hurdle requirement.
Double marking
- Double marking is undertaken for all failed assessment tasks where a student has, on the first marking, failed the subject overall.
- A student can only be deemed to have failed a subject after each failed assessment task in the subject (except class participation) has been marked by two independent examiners or assistant markers, at least one of whom is a member of the Board of Examiners or authorised to mark by the Board of Examiners Chair. Subject coordinators are usually members of the Board of Examiners.
- The second marker marks a clean copy of the assessment task, as far as practicable.
Where additional assessment has been awarded on this basis, the candidate's final mark in the subject cannot exceed 50%.
Additional assessment
The 48% rule
The 48% rule permits a student who fails a compulsory subject with a final mark of 48% or above to be granted additional assessment. Where additional assessment has been awarded on this basis, the candidate's final mark in the subject cannot exceed 50%.
Final subject assessment
Students may be eligible to undertake final subject assessment if they have a maximum of 12.5 points required to complete their degree and:
- they have failed one subject only, worth up to 12.5 credit points, with a final result of 40–49% in their final period of enrolment, or
- they have failed one subject only that is compulsory for their degree or major, worth up to 12.5 credit points, with a final result of 40–49% in their penultimate period of enrolment; and
- this subject was not available in their final period of enrolment.
Students granted additional assessment will be notified of the type of assessment they will be required to undertake as determined by the Subject Coordinator in consultation with the Associate Dean (JD).
Request a result review
The Assessment and Results Policy (MPF1326) and the Review of assessment of student work govern how and when you can appeal a result. Should you meet the criteria, you may request a review. Details can be found on the JD LMS Community under Assessment information.