JD subjects

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Last updated: 17 Mar 2025 12:15pm.

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JD intensively offered compulsory subjects

A small range of compulsory JD subjects are available in intensive format. These subjects have capped enrolment capacity.

Subject Subject code Study period Availability status Available space
Legal TheoryLAWS5003145989 November Subject full
135 / 135
Evidence and ProofLAWS5003745841 July Subject full
120 / 120
Remedie0LAWS5003645989 November Subject full
60 / 60

JD electives

Students can choose from an extensive selection of electives each year, including a range of enrichment opportunities and electives from the Melbourne Law Masters program.

JD quota electives

Please note:

  • Waitlists are not maintained for JD quota electives and quotas cannot be exceeded.
  • If the last date to self-enrol has passed and a space is available for enrolment, please submit an Enrolment Assistance Form and you will be notified if your enrolment is approved.
  • Subjects will be removed from this list once enrolment is no longer possible.
Subject Subject code Study period Availability statusEnrolments
Advanced Constitutional LawLAWS9016145901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
48 / 64
Advanced Trusts LawLAWS9018645901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
47 / 64
AdvocacyLAWS5005545848 July Subject full
20 / 20
AdvocacyLAWS5005545986 November Subject full
20 / 20
AdvocacyLAWS5005545747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
38 / 40
AdvocacyLAWS5005545901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
39 / 40
Commercial Data LawLAWS9021345901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
50 / 64
Commercial Law in PracticeLAWS9005945747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
62 / 64
Competition LawLAWS5006345747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
40 / 64
Consent, Sex and the LawLAWS9031945901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
52 / 64
Construction LawLAWS5008445901 Semester 2 Subject full
64 / 64
Consumer LawLAWS9019745901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
51 / 64
Copyright and DesignsLAWS9007446000 December Subject full
40 / 40
Copyright and DesignsLAWS9007445901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
48 / 64
Criminal InstitutionsLAWS9013645901 Semester 2 Subject full
60 / 60
Cross-Border LitigationLAWS5005045901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
49 / 64
Economic Analysis of LawLAWS9018745835 June Subject full
60 / 60
Employment LawLAWS5006445901 Semester 2 Subject full
64 / 64
Environmental LawLAWS5007845979 November Yes - self-enrol
46 / 60
Family LawLAWS5004745901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
103 / 120
Future LawyerLAWS9024345747 Semester 1 Subject full
64 / 64
Future LawyerLAWS9024345901 Semester 2 Subject full
64 / 64
Human Rights Law and PracticeLAWS5004945901 Semester 2 Subject full
80 / 80
International Commercial Law & DisputesLAWS5009445747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
63 / 64
International Investment LawLAWS5009145747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
41 / 64
Law and AutomationLAWS9024045987 November Subject full
60 / 60
Law and Civil Society in AsiaLAWS9021245747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
52 / 60
Law and Human NatureLAWS9024545747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
58 / 64
Law and Indigenous PeoplesLAWS9000845747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
48 / 64
Law AppsLAWS9003345747 Semester 1 Subject full
30 / 30
Law of Commercial ArbitrationLAWS9018845747 Semester 1 Subject full
64 / 64
Law ReformLAWS5009845747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
54 / 60
Legal DraftingLAWS9003645901 Semester 2 Subject full
30 / 30
Media LawLAWS5009645747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
149 / 150
MediationLAWS9003945842 July Subject full
30 / 30
MediationLAWS9003945747 Semester 1 Subject full
30 / 30
Mergers, Acquisitions & Capital MarketsLAWS5010845901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
58 / 64
MurderLAWS5010645747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
57 / 60
NegotiationsLAWS5013145841 July Subject full
25 / 25
Patents and Trade SecretsLAWS9007545747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
35 / 64
Philosophical Foundations of LawLAWS5012745747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
63 / 64
Public International LawLAWS5004145747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
44 / 64
Public International LawLAWS5004145842 June Subject full
60 / 60
Racial JusticeLAWS9032045901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
18 / 64
Refugee LawLAWS5010145901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
38 / 64
Sports LawLAWS5011945901 Semester 2 Subject full
64 / 64
Taxation Law and PolicyLAWS5004645901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
44 / 64
Taxation Law and PolicyLAWS5004645747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
53 / 64
Trade Mark LawLAWS5007545747 Semester 1 Yes - coordinator approval required, submit EA form
61 / 64
Treaty: Indigenous-Settler AgreementsLAWS9019145901 Semester 2 Yes - self-enrol
9 / 60

Enrichment electives

Melbourne Law School offers a range of JD electives that provide enrichment opportunities to students through public interest law clinics, legal internship, global learning opportunities, moot competitions and as editors of law journals. Each subject has its own application process. Students interested in applying for an enrichment elective should watch for announcements and view application information on the JD Community (LMS).

  • JD students wanting to study overseas or focus on global legal practice have access to a range of international and interstate opportunities.

    Handbook entry:

  • The Executive Branch Research Lab critically examines the largest branch of the constitutional order: the executive. The Research Lab will support enrolled students to acquire the academic and practical skills needed to pursue research on and analysis of the contemporary executive branch ‘in action’.

    Activities include making parliamentary and law reform submissions, writing blog entries for the Research Lab’s dedicated website, conducting interviews with present and former executive branch actors, and participating in ongoing research projects convened under the auspices of the Research Lab.

    Handbook entry:

  • This subject involves five students competing as a team in the prestigious Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, which has been running for more than half a century. Each team represents both the applicant and the respondent by preparing written memorials and presenting oral pleadings in a simulated case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

    Handbook entry:

  • This subject recognises a student’s contribution to the Melbourne Journal of International Law (MJIL) as credit towards completion of their Juris Doctor. This subject is only available only to students who are Members of Melbourne Journal of International Law and are committed to a position involving a substantial intellectual contribution to MJIL during the enrolled semester.

    Handbook entry:

  • This subject recognises a student’s contribution to Melbourne University Law Review (MULR) as credit towards completion of their Juris Doctor.  This subject is available only to editors of MULR, who, as editors, are committed to making a substantial intellectual contribution to MULR during the enrolled semester. The nature of the ‘substantial intellectual contribution’ required may vary depending on the nature of their work with MULR.

    Handbook entry:

  • Projects and the Environment Practicum gives students an opportunity to explore how the law works in practice, with a focus on environmental and social issues as they appear through the stages of a major project, from finance to operation.

    Students will encounter and analyse these issues across multiple areas of law, including contract law, environmental law, property law, and administrative law. Students will gain familiarity with the roles and perspectives of the diverse multidisciplinary actors with whom lawyers work when developing (or challenging) a major project, including financiers, community groups, consultants, scientists, and regulators. Topics will be taught using a real-life central case study to explore relevant issues.

    Handbook entry:

  • This subject will provide students with the legal skills to advise start-up companies on the legal issues those companies are likely to face in their early years of operation. The subject will cover the substantive law relevant to the particular circumstances of a start-up, including intellectual property, privacy, structuring options, start-up funding including crowd funding and Initial Coin Offerings, regulatory restrictions applying to LegalTech start-ups, the Australian Consumer Law, employment law and the tax incentives available for start-up companies in Australia.

    Students can self-enrol into this subject if the quota has not been met.

    Handbook entry:

Application-based enrichment subjects (LMS)

JD MLM electives

JD students will no longer be required to apply for a Melbourne Law Masters (MLM) elective in 2025. MLM electives will be open for self-enrolment from Monday 20 January 2025.

JD students may take up to 25 credit points (usually two subjects) of MLM electives from the approved list during their course.

JD students must confirm, via the subject's Handbook, that the teaching dates and assessment due dates of their nominated MLM electives do not result in clashes with their JD commitments, as well as confirming that they meet any subject prerequisites before applying.

Note: Most MLM electives are delivered intensively from 9am to 4pm each day over five consecutive days and all subjects delivered on campus have a 75% attendance hurdle requirement. JD students are urged to check the teaching dates and assessment due dates in their preferred MLM elective does not clash or interfere with their commitments in the JD program before enrolling.

Any overlap or clash between the assessment or teaching dates of an enrolled MLM elective and any JD enrolment will not constitute grounds for special consideration. Students must check the teaching and assessment dates for each MLM elective enrolment and manage their timetable and assessment accordingly.

Last self-enrolment dates and enrolling

If an MLM subject has available space but the last self-enrolment date has lapsed, you can use the below form to request that the ASO manually enrol you. Further guidance can be found on the application form.

Submit a manual enrolment request

2025 JD MLM elective enrolment guidelines

  • Law ASO will withdraw students from JD MLM electives who self-enrol prior to Monday 20 January 2025.
  • First year JD students are not permitted MLM enrolments.
  • Self-enrolment is only permitted into approved MLM electives. Requests for enrolment into non-approved electives will no longer be considered.
  • Please avoid submitting an Enrolment Assistance Form if you need assistance with an enrolment. Instead, please contact the Law ASO for assistance.

Approved 2025 JD MLM electives

Subject Subject code Study period Study mode Availability status Enrolments
Advanced Commercial Law: Current IssuesLAWS70336 December On Campus Yes - self-enrol
15 / 25
AI and JusticeLAWS90248 November Online Subject full
25 / 25
Australian Constitutional CulturesLAWS90322 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
1 / 25
Australian Merger LawLAWS90287 July Online Yes - self-enrol
13 / 25
Business and Human RightsLAWS70382 September On Campus Yes - self-enrol
0 / 25
Capital Gains Tax: Problems in PracticeLAWS70081 March Online Subject full
30 / 30
Capital Gains Tax: Problems in PracticeLAWS70081 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
18 / 25
CartelsLAWS90064 October Online Yes - self-enrol
13 / 25
Clean Energy Projects Law and RegulationLAWS90267 April On Campus Subject full
31 / 30
Climate Change LawLAWS70293 May On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
Commercial Aspects of Public International LawLAWS90290 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
5 / 25
Commercial Law in AsiaLAWS70230 March On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
Comparative Criminal Justice in AsiaLAWS70415 August On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
Comparative Human Rights LawLAWS90058 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
4 / 25
Comparative Indigenous RightsLAWS90127 August On Campus Yes - self-enrol
4 / 25
Comparative International TaxLAWS70353 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
22 / 30
Comparative Press FreedomLAWS90269 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
10 / 25
Conducting Workplace InvestigationsLAWS90086 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
20 / 30
Constitutional Design and Democracy LAWS90304 April On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
14 / 30
Constitutionalism and the Global SouthLAWS90255 August On Campus Yes - self-enrol
4 / 25
Constitutions in Global PerspectiveLAWS90218 April On Campus Yes - self-enrol
5 / 30
Construction LawLAWS70176 May On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
Construction RiskLAWS70149 September On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
Consumer ProtectionLAWS90070 October Online Yes - self-enrol
21 / 25
Copyright LawLAWS70207 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
17 / 25
Criminalising Speech in the Internet AgeLAWS70184 December On Campus Yes - self-enrol
10 / 25
Cyber Security and the LawLAWS90266 July On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
Digital TradeLAWS90126 December On Campus Yes - self-enrol
24 / 25
Disability Human Rights LawLAWS90087 May Online Yes - self-enrol
21 / 30
Energy Markets and the Energy TransitionLAWS90318 September On Campus Yes - self-enrol
22 / 25
Energy Resources in Emerging MarketsLAWS90020 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
8 / 30
Enforcing Work LawLAWS70197 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
19 / 25
Foundations: Competition Law & EconomicsLAWS90065 July Online Subject full
25 / 25
Gender and Health LawLAWS90271 June On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
Gender and Human RightsLAWS90124 April On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
Global Corporations and International LawLAWS90316 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
4 / 30
Global ESG Law and Construction ProjectsLAWS90305 June On Campus Yes - self-enrol
23 / 30
Global Financial ArchitectureLAWS70013 May On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
Global Perspectives on Construction LawLAWS70450 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
8 / 25
Goods and Services TaxLAWS70031 April On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
24 / 30
Health Data GovernanceLAWS90152 March On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
12 / 30
Health Law & Human RightsLAWS70451 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
12 / 25
Health Law: Patient Safety and the LawLAWS70348 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
17 / 30
Hot Topics in Public LawLAWS90217 September On Campus Yes - self-enrol
18 / 25
Human Rights and Climate ChangeLAWS70452 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
15 / 25
Human Rights at WorkLAWS70391 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
24 / 30
Human Rights in AustraliaLAWS90174 August On Campus Yes - self-enrol
12 / 25
Intellectual Property Protection in AsiaLAWS90298 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
15 / 25
Internat Investment Law and ArbitrationLAWS70304 July On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
Internat Investment Law and ArbitrationLAWS70304 March On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
Internat.Issues in Intellectual PropertyLAWS70242 December On Campus Yes - self-enrol
8 / 25
International Business TransactionsLAWS70392 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
22 / 25
International Business TransactionsLAWS70392 April On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
International Commercial ArbitrationLAWS70121 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
24 / 25
International Criminal LawLAWS70033 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
18 / 25
International Criminal Law and JusticeLAWS70303 June On Campus Yes - self-enrol
7 / 30
International Economic LawLAWS70308 July On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
International Environmental LawLAWS70219 August On Campus Yes - self-enrol
23 / 25
International Financial SystemLAWS70110 May On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
International Human Rights LawLAWS70264 July On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
International Humanitarian LawLAWS70234 March On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
22 / 30
International LawLAWS70173 March On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
27 / 30
International LawLAWS70173 April On Campus Yes - self-enrol
24 / 30
International LawLAWS70173 August On Campus Yes - self-enrol
7 / 25
International Law and Children's RightsLAWS70120 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
18 / 25
International Law and DevelopmentLAWS70093 March On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
14 / 30
International Tax: Principles, StructureLAWS70006 April On Campus Yes - self-enrol
29 / 30
International Tax: Principles, StructureLAWS70006 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
13 / 25
International Trade and DevelopmentLAWS70169 May On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
International Trade LawLAWS70028 May On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
International Trade LawLAWS70028 July On Campus Yes - self-enrol
22 / 25
International Trust LawLAWS90096 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
4 / 30
Judicial ReasoningLAWS70379 November On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
Law and Global HealthLAWS70151 September On Campus Yes - self-enrol
13 / 25
Law and Public AdministrationLAWS90119 October On Campus Yes - self-enrol
24 / 25
Law of Construction Delay and DisruptionLAWS90208 October On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
Liability Insurance LawLAWS90025 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
15 / 30
Licensing Law and Technology TransferLAWS70209 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
10 / 25
Management for ProfessionalsLAWS70350 June Online Yes - self-enrol
29 / 30
Managing Legal Risk in ConstructionLAWS70441 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
25 / 30
Medical EthicsLAWS70259 December On Campus Yes - self-enrol
20 / 25
Medical LitigationLAWS70225 May On Campus Yes - self-enrol
16 / 30
National Security and Press FreedomLAWS90238 March On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
10 / 30
NegligenceLAWS70229 April On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
21 / 30
Negotiation and Dispute ResolutionLAWS90080 April On Campus Subject full
26 / 25
Negotiation and Dispute ResolutionLAWS90080 May On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
New Media and CommunicationsLAWS70182 September On Campus Yes - self-enrol
11 / 25
Not-for-Profits, Law and the StateLAWS90055 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
3 / 25
Payment Matters in Construction ProjectsLAWS70239 October On Campus Subject full
25 / 25
Planning and Building Sustainable CitiesLAWS90029 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
12 / 25
Principles of Banking and Finance LawLAWS70206 June Online Subject full
30 / 30
Principles of Employment LawLAWS70371 March On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
29 / 30
Principles of Employment LawLAWS70371 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
7 / 25
Privacy LawLAWS70082 April On Campus Subject full
31 / 30
Public Private Partnerships LawLAWS70113 May On Campus Subject full
30 / 30
Remedies in the Construction ContextLAWS70112 July On Campus Subject full
26 / 25
Residential Construction LawLAWS70329 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
18 / 25
Rethinking Construction Contracting RiskLAWS90229 August On Campus Yes - self-enrol
21 / 25
Statelessness, Citizenship, and IdentityLAWS90283 September On Campus Yes - self-enrol
10 / 25
Superannuation Law and PolicyLAWS90239 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
6 / 25
Tax of Business and Investment IncomeLAWS70002 Semester 1 Online

Yes - with coordinator approval

29 / 30
Tax of Business and Investment IncomeLAWS70002 August On Campus Subject full
16 / 15
Tax PolicyLAWS70319 March On Campus Submit manual enrolment request
27 / 30
Tax TreatiesLAWS70146 August On Campus Yes - self-enrol
14 / 25
Water Law & Natural Resources ManagementLAWS70185 November On Campus Yes - self-enrol
18 / 25
Workplace Health and SafetyLAWS70053 October Online Subject full
25 / 25
WTO Law and Dispute SettlementLAWS70322 June On Campus Yes - self-enrol
20 / 30
WTO Law and Dispute SettlementLAWS70322 December On Campus Yes - self-enrol
11 / 25