Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia
The Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia (IPRIA) was established in March 2002 as an initiative of IP Australia.
IPRIA was established to increase the understanding, creation, use and exploitation of intellectual property by Australian organisations and individuals. The focus is to move understanding and engagement with intellectual property from a technical to a strategic consideration. Intellectual property in this context is broader than formal intellectual property rights and includes the management of knowledge, personnel and intangible assets.
The Institute is a collaborative research centre located at the University of Melbourne that has received significant funding from IP Australia. The core faculties are the Melbourne Law School, Melbourne Business School and the Faculty of Business and Economics.
IPRIA's objectives are to:
support and generate development of high-level public policy in relation to intellectual property issues;
optimise the protection, management and exploitation of intellectual property by all Australian stakeholders, including research institutions, public and private sector interests
help create an informed environment for, and contribute to, on-going public debate in Australia about intellectual property issues and related matters, including innovation policy and economic growth
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We currently have a team of Director and Deputy Director located at Melbourne Law School.
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We work with a number of Associates from the Melbourne Law School, Melbourne Business School and the Faculty of Business and Economics as well as external research partners.
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Advisory Board
The Advisory Board represents the key external stakeholders in IPRIA.

Annual Reports
IPRIA Annual Reports provide details about the many achievements, events and research activities undertaken at the Institute.
IPRIA staff, and faculty members associated with the centre and institute, teach in the degree programs of Melbourne Law School and supervise research students.
The Melbourne JD
Melbourne Law School is Australia's first law school and with experience gained over 150 years continues to be a leader and innovator in teaching the next generation of skilled legal professionals.
Taught at a graduate level, the Melbourne JD equips graduates with the analytical skills and intellectual maturity to take a leading role in contemporary legal practice, the business world, government or community organisations.
Graduating with a law degree from world-renowned Melbourne Law School means that wherever your career takes you, your degree will be recognised as exceptional - both nationally and internationally.
JD students will:
- Join other engaged and enthusiastic students in discussion-based classes and enrich each other's education.
- Build skills for employment in the 21st century by collaborating and interacting with other students in group work.
- Be a part of a tight-knit community of graduates and learn alongside your supportive classmates.
- Have the opportunity to join societies, edit journals, attend public lectures, and participate in cultural events, moots and art competitions.
- Build a network for life through connections to your student peers, Law School alumni, mentors and university staff.
The Melbourne JD is taught over six semesters under the standard three-year structure, with options for flexible study (subject to appovla by the Law School). The curriculum is designed specifically for graduate students, with opportunities to study new and emerging areas of law in a range of specialised topics available as an elective from the Melbourne Law School Masters program. The JD comprises 24 subjects, of which 17 are compulsory. You'll find here comprehensive information on all subjects, how to select subjects for the current year and re-enrol, plus current timetables.
Further information on the Melbourne JD
Melbourne Law Masters
The Melbourne Law Masters is a postgraduate law program of the highest quality that is available for both law and selected non-law graduates.
A suite of general and specialist masters degrees and graduate diplomas offer the opportunity to study at one of the finest law schools in the world. Distinctive features of the Melbourne Law Masters include the expertise of the teaching staff, small class sizes, a diverse student body, a rich blend of national and international perspectives, support services tailored to the needs of graduate students, excellent facilities and an extraordinary range of subjects at the cutting edge of developments in law and legal thinking.
Further information on the Melbourne Law Masters
Master of Intellectual Property Law
Melbourne Law School's specialisation in intellectual property (IP) is one of the largest and most respected specialist IP law programs in the world. Its extensive range of challenging, cutting-edge subjects covers the spectrum of IP protection regimes, and are both practically focused and theoretically rigorous. The majority of the specialisation's subjects are accredited by the Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys (PSB). This program is ideal for those seeking accreditation as a patent and/or trade marks attorney, as well as for those seeking to develop or expand their expertise in intellectual property law generally.
Further information on the Master of Intellectual Property Law
Graduate Research Degrees
The IPRIA welcomes students interested in undertaking a research in a range of legal areas, including media, communications, intellectual property, journalism, contempt, privacy, art and law, and law and economics. The IPRIA may be available to supervise sociological, doctrinal, law and economics, theoretical and empirical research papers.
If you are interested in undertaking a Graduate Research Degree with the IPRIA, please contact us to discuss your proposal.
Further information on the Research Higher Degree program
Breadth Subjects
IPRIA teach in a number of breadth subjects;
Postal Address
Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia
Melbourne Law School
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
Melbourne Law School
The University of Melbourne
185 Pelham Street
Carlton Victoria