Program - Day 1

Day 1 Arrival (morning) 9.30am; Coffee
9.45am Welcome and introductions:
Liam Murphy and Miranda Stewart
10.00am - Session 1 (Chair) Miranda Stewart
Paper 1 (30 minutes) Professor Liam Murphy, NYU Law and Professor of Philosophy and Law Emeritus Professor Thomas Nagel, NYU Law Why Tax Wealth?
Discussant (10 minutes) Professor Daniel Hemel, NYU Law
Response and Q&A (20 minutes)
Paper 2 (30 minutes) Professor Linda Sugin, Fordham University Law School How Much Wealth do Individuals Deserve? A Political and Moral Defence of Wealth Tax
Discussant (10 minutes) Ms Monica Hope, The University of Melbourne
Response and Q&A (20 minutes)
12.00pm - Lunch
1.00pm - Session 2 (Chair) Miranda Fleischer
Paper 3 (30 minutes) Associate Professor Daniel Halliday, University of Melbourne School of Philosophy Tax Justice and the Concept of Justice
Discussant (10 minutes) Professor Mitchell Kane , NYU Law
Response and Q&A (20 minutes)
Paper 4 (30 minutes) Professor Neil Buchanan, University of Florida Levin College of Law Financing Social Security in the United States: Progressive Enhancements to an Already Stable System
Discussant (10 minutes) Professor Miranda Stewart, University of Melbourne
Response and Q&A (20 minutes)
3.00pm - Afternoon tea
3.30pm - Session 3 (Chair) Liam Murphy
Paper 5(30 minutes)Assistant Professor of Law and Philosophy Jessoo Nam, USC Gould School of LawLuck Egalitarian Redistribution: What should we do about addiction?
Discussant(10 minutes)Associate Professor Dan Halliday, University of Melbourne
Response and Q&A(20 minutes)
Paper 6(30 minutes)Professor Miranda Fleischer, University of San Diego School of LawChild Tax Credits
Discussant(10 minutes)Professor Rebecca Kysar, Fordham School of Law
Response and Q&A(20 minutes)
5.00pm - End of Day 1, Drinks; Symposium dinner for speakers and discussants