White Noise - Episode 3: One Whānau (family) and Two PhDs, Ethel & Erin's Haerenga (journey) so far

Show NotesEpisode Three – One Whānau (family) and Two PhDs, Ethyl & Erin's Haerenga (journey) so far with Ethyl Renata and Erin Roxburgh Makea

We are delighted to share our first mother-daughter episode and our first international conversation, where we are joined by two wonderful Māori women – our friends Erin Roxburgh-Makea and Ethyl Renata.

This podcast was recorded on Wurundjeri Country at the MLS Digital Studio. The White Noise podcast is a production of the Indigenous Law and Justice Hub at the University of Melbourne. You can find out more about us on our website, or by following us on Instagram.

The White Noise podcast is hosted by Jaynaya Dwyer, Research Fellow at the Indigenous Law and Justice Hub. Thanks to Eddie Cubillo (Larrakia, Wadjigan and Central Arrente) and Kieran Akula for their assistance with the production of this episode.

The soundtrack, White Noise, is written and performed by John Wayne Parsons (Yuggerabul Meriam Le). We are grateful to John Wayne for lending his voice to this program.

We are honoured to be joined by our guests, who generously shared their wisdom, Erin Roxburgh-Makea and Ethel Renata. Erin and Ethel draw on their experience as Ngāti Porouwomen.

Our sincere to the staff of the MLS digital studio for the production of this podcast:

  • Greta Robenstone – production
  • Ben Chandler – Sound Mixing

A full transcript of this episode is available here.


To send feedback on this episode or to make inquiries about the White Noise podcast please contact mls-indigenous@unimelb.edu.au

More information on the episode

You can learn more about the themes discussed in this episode through the following resources:

Te Ao Māori

To learn more about how introductions are made through a pepeha in te ao Māori, check out the Pepeha NZ website.

Erin also spoke about the book Māori Made Easy by Scotty Morrison. These lessons are available at Maorilanguage.net.

Indigenous Research Methodologies

In this episode we discuss the publication Decolonising Methodologies by Linda Tuhiwai Smith.

Erin and Ethel discuss their use of Kaupapa Māori in their research. You can read more about Kaupapa Māori in the research context at whatworks.org.uk

To read more about Indigenous research methodologies in Australia, check out the AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research.